Greg my inspiration

Inspiration comes in the most unexpected times and places… these photos came while Greg and were tickling each other : ) I looked up at Greg and there was the perfect picture… after asking Greg to freeze while I got the camera I captured these pics… although the first pic was taken in a different room with different light… I still enjoyed taking these close ups…. thanks hubby for being my perfect model…

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African Drum

So I am back at it, taking close ups of interesting things… this time I thought I would play with an African drum… again trying out different angles and having to watch out for light bouncing of the walls creating reflection…. hmmm…. interesting what you can use to create a makeshift studio in your house… hahahaha…. I won’t go into details : )

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The Park

Took the girls to the park to have a fun photo shoot… and fun it was… here is Peanut, Raisin and Cornflake… working the camera… Cornflake (in green) loved the camera and set the pace for the others… while Raisin (in pink) was a little shy yet her charm came through after awhile… while Peanut (in blue) remained on the side lines just about the whole time… but I managed to get a few nice pics with her alone earlier… although these pics are not the best background sky was a joy and my need to really learn to play with field of depth… I thought I would share these anyway… one of my favs. being:  Cornflake and her sister Raisin on the slide… note the joy on Raisins face and she slides into her sisters back…… classic sisterly love! My fav been Cornflake open laughing… love it ! thanks girls…

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I love to take close ups of nature… so here are a few more flower close ups 🙂 Not to sure on some of the colours though…

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Big Bay

These Pics were taken at Eden on Bay – Big Bay… Loved the clouds…. also wanted to try take pics a little different from norm…


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Greg and Titanium

Here are some photos of Greg and our cat… this is a rare moment when the cat sat still long enough for me to take pics… the lighting was not that good and shadows played havoc… but still had to take the pics…


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